Welcome to Do NCP II!
This is a self-directed group of eNCPT users ia a forum to discuss their daily implementation questions and/or questions from colleagues . Our goal is to address real life scenarios that would be encountered by clinicians and students/educators.
Questions can be asked about any part of the nutrition care process, Nutrition Screening, Nutrition Assessment or Re-assessment, Nutrition Diagnoses, PES statement, Nutrition Prescription, Nutrition Intervention, Monitoring and Evaluating, and Outcomes Management. Emphasis will usually be on how to apply the eNCPTerms to efficiently document the thought process and the nutrition care provided.
Once a question is posed, a very short synopsis of the scenario is presented, followed by ideas generated by attendees for potential ways to address the situation. Each topic will be addressed in several zoom meetings to allow for participation from various time zones around the world. After all sessions have been completed, a podcast summary of ideas suggested along with the pros and cons of the various options will be added to the initial description of the scenario and posted to be available to anyone who is interested.
“This NCPT User group is an independently supported and operated group that is not officially sanctioned by, nor do the views expressed represent the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Questions that require Academy of NutriNutrition and Dietetics's responses will be forwarded to the Academy by the User Group Manager"